The state of travel in Latin Amercia today

November 30, 2020


Based on the presentations given by REMOTE Local Experts during the third edition of REMOTE Update Week (Nov 23 – 25, 2020), we prepared a compilation of the most relevant information from the 11 countries we talked about: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.

Remember the virus is still around – and getting worse in some areas. We have to be more alert and responsible at this time as travel is loosening up.

As the news about the pandemic quickly change, we kindly remind you to double check potential changes in the next weeks.



International Borders
PARTIALLY OPENED: Reopened by air for travelers from bordering countries:
Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Travellers are allowed to access the country only by Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport.
Uruguayans are an exception and can arrive at the port of Buenos Aires.

Entry Requirements
PCR Test 72 hours prior to departure.
Fill out an on-line health form 48 hours prior to boarding. Note that you must know the seat number of your flight.
Mandatory health Insurance that covers Covid-19.
Affidavit presentation upon arrival to Ezeiza Airport.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Once in the country:
Mandatory face mask.
Restaurants with social distancing and reduced capacity, 4 people maximum per table.
Museums with on-line reservation, individual visits or maximum 4 people and must stay together, one-way direction.

Airlines under operation
Aerolineas Argentinas, AMERICAN Airlines, Air Europa, Air France, KLM, Iberia, Lufthansa, United Airlines, American Airlines, Latam.

“Wait to plan. I recommend to travel later, with more certainty than what can be offered today. Once the borders open, choose destinations of pure nature where social distancing is natural.” Maita Barrenechea, Mai10.
“If you are a traveler from a neighbor country and can get to Argentina now, choose
outdoor destinations and family experiences. Follow protocols and try staying in nature as much as possible.” Nahuel Alonso, Esencia Patagonia.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone.

Entry Requirements
Negative PCR test, issued no more than 7 days before entry to the country.

Quarantine on arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Masks all time.

Airlines under operation
Latam, Avianca, Bolivian Airlines, Amazonas. Local flights operating normally.

“Glamping, remote places and soft adventure are the best experiences in Bolivia more than ever.” Janette Simbron, Bolivia Milenaria.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone.

Entry Requirments

Quarantine on arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Use of masks all the time in public spaces and within shops.
Social distancing compulsory.
Most restaurants and museums are operating normally.

Airlines under operation
Latam, American Airlines, United, Delta, Air Canada, Azul, Copa Airlines, British Airways, Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, TAP, Iberia, Swiss, Air Europa, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Quatar Airways, Gol, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, Avianca, Amaszonas, Surinam Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, TAAG. 60% of flights are operating.

“I believe nature-oriented destinations who rely on foreign travelers are bound to be less frequented in the months to come: The Amazon, Pantanal or Lençois Maranhenses are good examples of it. It’s a great opportunity for passengers to discover these already secluded destinations with fewer tourists around.” David Figureau, Ideia Tours.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone since November 23 rd.

Entry Requirements
Negative PCR test (taken up to 72 hours before boarding the plane).
Mandatory health insurance covering all Covid-19-related expenses.
A travelers’ health affidavit form (also known as “Sanitary Passport”) to be completed less than 48 hours before boarding. This electronic form is available at

Entry will be limited only to Arturo Merino Benitez Airport, located in the capital city of Santiago. All other air, ground and maritime ways of entry, will remain closed until further notice.

Quarantine on arrival?
During the first 2 weeks, from November 23 to December 7, travelers coming from “high risk” countries (according to the WHO) will have to be in quarantine for 14 days upon entering the country.

Mandatory rules in the country
Mask in public spaces.
Restaurants and museums are open and working.

Airlines under operation
LATAM, American Airlines, United, Copa, Iberia, Aerolineas Argentinas.

Local Expert tips:
“Come to Chile, take advantage of traveling throughout this Gem without tourists.”
Raul Buenaventura, VM Elite.



International Borders
For citizens from USA, Mexico, Central America, Brazil.

Entry Requirements
No COVID test is required.
Immigration form to fill in on-line before departure.
Download “CoronaApp” and log in.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Mask is compulsory everywhere.
Most places are open with a 50% capacity.
Temperature check is usual.
Hand cleaning with alcoholic gel everywhere.

Airlines under operation
Delta, American, Spirit, United, Copa, Avianca, Latam, etc.
Flights operating to/from USA, Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Peru, Panama.
Flights operating soon: Argentina, Chile, Europe.

“Focus on countryside experiences. Rural areas of Colombia are hidden gems and
safer.” Olivier Dufeu, Nahbu Travel.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone since November 1st.

Entry Requirements
The Government of the Republic has facilitated the entry of international tourists, and since Oct. 26, eliminated the requirement of RT-PCR tests for the detection of the coronavirus.
Complete the digital form called HEALTH PASS – This pass will be available 48 hours before boarding.
It is mandatory that tourists purchase travel insurance, covering their accommodations in case of quarantine and medical expenses due to COVID-19 illness.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Health Insurance is a must.
Mask are required at all time in closed spaces.
There are still some locations with only 50% capacity allowed.

Airlines under operation
Iberia, Lufthansa, American Airlines, JetBlue, Copa, Avianca.

“Costa Rica is safe to travel. We all need to do our part to keep it like that. So be
flexible, respect the instructions, accept that some activities or restaurants will not be available or you will have to adjust your itinerary.” Constanza Navarro, Nayara Resorts.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone.

Entry Requirements
PCR Test should be made 10 days before traveling to Ecuador. Both locals and
foreigners must present a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken up to 4 days before
traveling to Galapagos. Lab needs to send the results by email to the Galapagos
government authority depending on where travelers are flying from to the Islands
(Quito: ; Guayaquil: ).
Have a valid booking with a tour operator or accredited hotel so they can get a safe conduct to Galapagos.
At least 24 hours before the flight to Galapagos travelers must
fill in their transit card online.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Health insurance.
Travelers must sign an affidavit (paperwork given on the flight)
assuming they do not have any COVID symptoms.
Social distancing and mask use everywhere.
There are specific restrictions of allowed capacity in hotels and restaurants (50%).

Airlines under operation
American Airlines (MIA), KLM (AMS), Iberia (MAD), Copa (PTY), Air Europa (MAD), Avianca (BOG), LATAM (MAD, LIM), United Airlines (IAH), JetBlue (FLL), Aeromexico (MEX).

“Take advantage of reduced number of visitors in emblematic destinations such as the Galapagos and make the most of the current promotions available.” Jascivan Carvalho, Tropic.

“Come with friends, charter a yacht in Galapagos and create your own travel bubble. If you are interested in rainforest habitats, the Amazon is only 4 hours driving from Quito – no second flight is needed – it is also a beautiful scenic drive with waterfalls,
hummingbirds and hot springs.” Marcel Perkins, Latin Trails.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone since Sept. 18 th .

Entry Requirements
A COVID-19 PCR or Antigen test has to be made 72 hours prior to arrival.

Quarantine on arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
No health insurance mandatory, but recommended.
Mandatory Mask wearing through the trip.
Restaurants, hotels, tourism sites, are all working with 50% occupancy.
Social distancing, temperature checks everywhere, hand sanitizers, luggage sanitization, etc.

“We suggest and invite everyone to travel to Guatemala. This is the best time of year
(after the rain season), everything is green, there is no high season, very few travelers. This is the way you want to travel. A great way to feel you have Guatemala all to yourself.” Jimmy Rogers, Maya Trails.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone.

Entry Requirements
No Covid Test required. No other entry requirements related to Covid.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Flying is very simple: body temperature is taken and then you answer a health
In the country, use masks, practice social distancing and use sanitizer frequently.
The system is on a stoplight system, and different states have different rules. In general, all hotels, restaurants and museums are open but with limited capacity.

Airlines under operation
All major airlines.

“Remote areas like Yucatan peninsula or Baja peninsula are great places to travel to at this time. There is also a lot of interest in private villas.” Alfonso Sumano, Journey Mexico.

“Mexico is very open and very happy to receive travelers from around the world. But please be a responsible visitor and wear your mask and practice social distancing.”
Bryan Jauregui, Todos Santos Eco Adventures.



International Borders
OPENED. For everyone.

Entry Requirements
Anyone is allowed with a negative molecular Covid test, with results given 72
hours before the flight.

Quarantine on Arrival?

Mandatory rules in the country
Masks at all times.
Face shields and face masks are required on all public transportation
and flights.
Children are not allowed in public places.
Museums and restaurants are operating at 50% capacity.
Upon entry to any building you have your temperature taken and you must sanitize your hands.

Airlines under operation
LATAM, American Airlines, Mexico Air, Delta, Air Canada, United, KLM, Copa. You must sign a sworn statement of health to board your flight, even the domestic ones. Body temperature is taken before entering airports and boarding planes.

“Traveling from Lima to Cusco is very easy and staying in the Sacred Valley allows
easy social distancing. Currently Machu Picchu is operating at 30% capacity and it’s one of the few times anyone may ever have the opportunity to visit it with so few people. We recently did a hike in from KM 104 and we were the only group we saw on the hike and the only group we saw inside of Machu Picchu. Truly one of the most unique experiences of my life.” Paul Cripps, Amazonas Explorer.



International Borders
CLOSED for international tourism. No estimated date has been announced and there is no expectations to open before March, 2021.


  • Long stays for business trips, investment reasons or legal issues.
  • Family reunification
  • Residents
  • Property owners

The authorization request can be requested online or through our law firm.

Entry Requirements
For resident travelers it’s necessary to have a negative PCR-RT test approved by the
Uruguayan Ministry of Health done no longer than 72 hours before arriving to the
Sign an affidavit when entering the country, stating that you have no COVID symptoms and that you have not been in contact with any confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to arrival.
Have health insurance that will cover situations of COVID-19.

Quarantine on Arrival?
Yes. A mandatory quarantine of 7 days and a second PCR test has to be performed on the 7th day. If negative, then they are allowed to move around. Only people with
Uruguayan residency and/or specific situations can travel.

Mandatory rules in the country
Masks in closed areas such as supermarkets, restaurants etc.
Restaurants, museums and most hotels are open and working normally.

Airlines under operation
Iberia, Amazonas, American Airlines and Copa Airlines (for Locals only).

“Life in Uruguay is normal. Even in our worse moment of the COVID pandemic, Uruguay has done a good job in handling the virus. Life is normal and VERY SAFE. Cases are still being tracked and people are being responsible enough to stop moving around to control cases when they appear. If guests can obtain the entry authorization and are willing to respect the quarantine, Uruguay is a great and safe choice at the moment”. Paola Perelli, Lares Tours.

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