In search of the simplest

March 4, 2021


Nowadays people are looking for a simpler and more conscious life, with the desire to connect more and more with themselves and to integrate with the environment / nature and society in a more sustainable and conscious way.

Some terms that are more and more frequent in this search, such as Permaculture and Farm to Table, becoming better known and transforming people’s lives around the world, including tourism. A tourism trend is the search for more meaningful trips for tourists, meeting cultures through more remote and unusual hotels, and tours as food shopping from local producers and cooking them for tasting.

Our REMOTE Community includes lodges that are concerned with simpler experiences, people’s well-being and the surrounding environment, such as Fazenda Santa Vitória in Queluz , Pata Lodge in Futaleufú, Banana Bamboo in Ubatuba and Hotel Wood in Gramado.

Permaculture is an innovative framework for creating sustainable ways of living. It is a practical method of developing ecologically harmonious, efficient and productive systems that can be used by anyone, anywhere. It is not a dogma or a religion but an ecological design system which helps us find solutions to the many problems facing us – both locally and globally.

A perfect example of this is the Banana Bamboo Ecolodge, which practices the values it believes in through sustainable, economically viable activity while also emphasizing local culture with environmental diversity. It has its owna mini solar energy plant, a system of agroforestry in full production, bioconstruction with bamboos and eco-gastronomy based on harvested foods produced by the agroforestry system and the surrounding area, contributing to the generation of local income. In addition to a biopool with natural plant and root filters, the ecolodge has natural amenities, water collection and treatment, and organic waste management.

It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people — providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order.

Permaculture tackles how to grow food, build houses and create communities, and minimise environmental impact at the same time. Its principles are being constantly developed and refined by people throughout the world in very different climates and cultural circumstances. Permaculture studies and applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics and community development.

Farm to Table is a social movement in which it negotiates directly with small producers (might be a winery, brewery, ranch, fishery, or other type of food producer which is not strictly a “farm”). Economically it is a beneficial move for both, as the product ends up being cheaper for the establishment and the supplier manages to charge a little more.

The real gain, however, comes with the products´s quality, where it is possible to better select what to buy, the fruit and vegetable loses less time in transport, and there are still many advantages for the environment such as much less waste, less pollution with transportation and also you´ll have organic products. The palate is also grateful, fresh and better quality ingredients represent greater flavor at the table. The treatment of the input becomes different as well, as there are fewer processes.

There is an exponential increase for understanding where that food comes from before consuming it, this is due to the fact that people have an interest in having a healthier or the best possible diet within their routine. Flavor is another fundamental point within this trend. People are interested in admiring the detail that each ingredient awakens and intends to insert it in their daily recipes at home but also in their trips with the local culture, it ends up generating awareness of consumption and lifestyle.

In fact, it is something that helps the farm-to-table to gain strength, after all, gastronomy is the third largest drive for buying travel in the world, according to the Informa World of Gastronomic Tourism. The meeting of cultures comes from this need for ethnic exchange, for example: if we used to travel to Lima to eat at the Central (starred restaurant in the Peruvian capital), today we look forward to going to the interior of Peru and learning all about local food from a housewife . The need to get to know another culture in order to increase its civility rate is the main point of this trend and this is totally in line with the farm-to-table.

At Hotel Wood, they believe in cooking with affection and respect for nature. Created by chef Rodrigo Bellora, the naturale cuisine strives for sustainability, employing fresh, seasonal ingredients, taking advantage of what the land offers at each time of the year. As such, the dishes feature special ingredients and unique flavors, conceived of to be consumed in an uncomplicated, unhurried way, savoring what each season of the year can provide us.
This is why the chef maintains very close relationships with his suppliers. Everything is carefully selected and supplied by small producers mapped out by the chef himself within a small radius of the hotel. So cherished are these small producers that they have their own privileged space, a photo gallery, considered a work of art in the restaurant.

If you are interested in this lifestyle we have some suggestions with our REMOTE Community. Click Here.

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