REMOTE Legacy and carbon offsetting are among REMOTE Latin America’s actions to give back to the local community and the planet

We’re all coming to the understanding that we’re responsible for the impacts we have on the destinations we visit. Responsible Tourism is one of REMOTE’s main values and, therefore, we believe in the need for “making places better for people to live in and better for people to visit, in that order.”*
When we’re deciding on the venue for our REMOTE Immersion, our concerns go far beyond simply presenting the world of small-scale luxury tourism with a new and surprising destination. We always consider what footprints our boutique event might leave behind and to what extent the destination’s residents will benefit from our presence. As we’re dealing with remote destinations, we always consider the tourist capacity of each location so that we won’t interfere with the residents’ daily lives, as well as the lasting positive impacts that our event can have now and in the future.
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REMOTE Immersion Cafayate 2022: what to expect?
The REMOTE Legacy
REMOTE Legacy (or Legado , in Spanish) is one of the ways we have found to give back to the community that welcomes us with such affection. It’s a series of presentations led by three tourism experts, bringing knowledge and inspiration and encouraging the debate on the value of cultural and sustainable tourism in the region. This free event takes place during REMOTE Cafayate and is open to the general public.
We’re inviting locals to the Museo de la Vid y el Vino (Wine Museum) in Cafayate for inspiring debates and exchanges on October 19 th from 10 AM to noon. The three REMOTE Talks speakers will also share their insights with the Cafayateños. Disseminating knowledge and involving the community in debates is one of the ways we give back. The program will welcome Jorge Moeller (Chile), director of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), Javier Labourt (Argentina), psychologist and travel therapist, and Constanza Cerutti (Argentina), High Mountain archaeologist in the Andes and anthropologist. Their respective themes are “Regenerative Tourism,” “Travel as mental health therapy” and “High mountain archeology in the Andes.”
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Learn more about the REMOTE Cafayate Talks & Seeds here

Local producers market
We also believe that our work with local providers is an opportunity for them to meet and present their work to numerous tourism professionals from all over the world. We have selected some amazing cultural and community tourism activities for our REMOTERS to enjoy. During our visit, the Wine Museum (Museo de la Vid y el Vino) will also host a local producers market , exhibiting traditional handicrafts as well as wine, cheese and other regional products.
Carbon offsetting
As in previous years, the REMOTE Immersion is prepared to be a carbon-neutral event. Our team is offsettin g 62.47 Mt of carbon dioxide by purchasing carbon credits corresponding to the emissions from our operations in Argentina, including air travel for staff, lodging and in-loco transportation for 183 participants . Our offsetting is done together with Cool Effect, a program that works with different projects around the world which include planting trees, conservation of diverse ecosystems, investments in green technologies and initiatives for social impact.
We’re aware that carbon offsetting is not the ultimate solution for healthy, sustainable tourism, but we understand that reducing carbon emissions is one of many things we can do. We’re also working hard to reduce plastics in our event.
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We invite all our fellow REMOTERS to calculate and offset their travel emissions. And bring your own water bottles too!
Let’s all do our part to take care of our 2022 REMOTE destination and leave a positive mark on Cafayate!
*Definition of Responsible Tourism established by the Cape Town Declaration in 2002