If you are a high-end innovative travel designer specializing in and passionate about Latin America, please fill out the form below to be a REMOTE Travel Designer.

What event would you like to join? *

Personal Information

First Name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone number *

Company information

Company name *
Your position in the Company *
Country *
City / Destination *
Company Website *
Company instagram *

I would like to exhibit my company as *
Other company type
Expertise *
Other expertise
Other affiliations
Detailed overview/profile of the company *
400 characters max
What percentage of your company's sales are for trips to Latin America? *
How many clients do you send to Latin America annually, on average? *
What is the average length of stay of the trips you sell to Latin America? *
What is your client's average expense per person per day in Latin America? *
Which other travel shows do you attend? *
Please list 3 references (name, company and email) of Latin America suppliers (hotels/boats/DMCs) that you book on a regular basis to support your application. *
Who recommended REMOTE Latin America to you? *
Consent *