Gabriel is a nature lover and adventurer. Since 1993, he’s been “getting lost” in Costa Rica, a country he loves and still enjoys to this day. “At this point, I feel like few people know this country as well as I do.”

Rio Perdido is right in the foothills at the bottom of two volcanoes. It is a thermal river, and, as Gabriel explains, it’s not an easy place to find. “We found it with other friends of ours who also enjoy “getting lost,” because this river can’t even be seen from the air since the combinations of the trees inside and over the canyon make for a canopy that is uniform so the river is hidden from the air. It’s extremely hard to see.”

But they know from hearing feedback from guests who felt quite rested or stronger, or slept very well, or who arrived with some issues and left without them, that there is a “mystical” way of healing in this area and the Maya descendents are aware of this too. Once this mineral water comes in contact with your skin, it will penetrate your body and can only bring benefits for you and your body. They may not have all the complete, scientific explanations as to why this happens, but everybody understands the results of this experience.

They also decided to establish their own concrete goals in terms of development and operation, so they could keep their carbon footprint really low. Among them is the program known as Zero Land Movements Policy, which basically says that in their entire development they have to seek to not alter the geology of the place, nor alter the hydrology of the river. For example: not changing the way the water has been floating forever, and most of the trails were made by people or vehicles on existing movements.

When they started this international project, they decided to hire locally, against all recommendations, bringing in mentors to help teach. They also discovered that some of their staff was working on the coast far from away home in Bagaces. Over time, they decided to come back, because they saw this opportunity in Rio Perdido. Gabriel also said, “About 90% of our staff is from the immediate area and, after training them, they are absolutely top notch. They are amazing. There is a good education in Bagaces city, so they have learned extremely well. They are healthy. They are close to their families. And it is so nice to mentor them,” because this ends up influencing the relationship and delivery of the experience to the customer.